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AV PrestoCentre Preservathon: Preservation Storage Solutions
- Details
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 08:32
25 - 26 June, 2014, Rai “Museo della Radio”, Turin, Italy
Learn to select the best storage solution for your AV archive
There is no such thing as ‘everlasting’ data storage. Digital preservation requires the indefinite, error free storage of information, together with the means for its retrieval and interpretation, irrespective of changes in technologies, support and data formats, or changes in the requirements of the user community. Any choice of storage solution, therefore, involves careful consideration, needs assessment, long-term cost evaluation and so on. Where and when do vendors become involved and what do you need to know about them and their products before you make your decision?
Time: 25 June, 9am - 6pm followed by dinner, 26 June, 9am - 4pm
Fee: €120,- for a two-day ticket (for people who only want to attend the mini-conference on day 2 we offer a specific one-day ticket of €50,-)
Target Audience
Library and archive technologists, directors of collection care and IT advisors interested in the various motivations and priorities of storage for digital audiovisual media across different domains.
Learning Objectives
After this Preservathon you:
● Will have a better understanding of the concept of procurement and vendor rating;
● Will be able to map organisational requirements to the market of storage solutions;
● Will have a better understanding of functionality vs technology;
● Will have a better understanding of costs (full costs of ownership).
The Preservathon will take place on 25-26 June at Rai “Museo della Radio”, Turin, Italy. The first day will be a hands-on workshop where teams will learn what is involved selecting the best long-term audiovisual storage solution. The second day will host a mini-conference. This Preservathon is made possible by the Presto4U Project.
More information and registration: www.prestocentre.org/events/preservathon/storage-2014
The PrestoCentre Team
PO Box 1060
1200 BB Hilversum
The Netherlands