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Managing Digital Preservation: A SCAPE & OPF Seminar
- Details
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 08:32
Wednesday, 2 April 2014,The National Library of the Netherlands,Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5, 2595 BE The Hague
This event for managers with a responsibility for digital preservation in large or small organisationswill focus on the issues that theyface when implementing digital preservation in their organisation. It will explore the tension between stable business processes and the introduction of new technologies. Many managers have a responsibility for digital preservation but they are not necessarily a technical expert in the field.
- Meet peers who are managing digital preservation
- Learn about the approach of others who are embedding digital preservation in business practices
- Hear about strategic approaches and policies in the field of digital preservation
- Meet experts in digital preservation
- Find out about research and development project developments