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Registration open for iPRES 2013 / DC-2013
- Details
- Created on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 13:35
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 08:32
The conference will take place 2-6 September 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal at the Instituto Superior Técnico.
- Conference website:
- Draft program:
- Contact for DC/iPRES 2013: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The scientific program comprises 37 full and short papers, as well as 25 posters and demonstrations. There will be 8 tutorials, 12 workshops and a doctoral symposium.
Topics of interest include:
- Innovation in Digital Preservation: Novel Challenges and Scenarios; Innovative Approaches; Preservation at Scale; Domain-specific Challenges (Cultural Heritage, Technical and Scientific Processes and Data, Engineering Models and Simulation, Medical Records, Corporate Processes and Recordkeeping, Web Archiving, Personal Archiving, e-Procurement, etc.)
- Systems Life-cycle: Specific Digital Preservation Requirements and Implications in Modeling, Design, Development, Deployment and Maintenance
- Governance: Risk Analysis; Audit, Trust and Certification, Trusted Repositories; Information/Data Quality
- Business Models and Added-value of Digital Preservation: Benefits Analysis, Emerging Exploitation Scenarios, Long-Tail of Digital Preservation
- Theory of Digital Preservation: Interdisciplinary Modeling, Representation Concepts, Incentive Structures
- Case Studies and Best Practices: Processes, Metadata, Systems, Services, Infrastructures
- Training and Education
iPRES-2013 will be collocated with DC-2013. Both conferences will take place in the same venue and run in parallel. During the collocated events, delegates are welcome to choose sessions that best fit their interests from either conference. Keynotes are held in common plenaries; and, social events are shared, providing an excellent opportunity for iPRES and DCMI delegates to socialize, share common interests and network. Delegates of the two conferences may separately register for a mix of pre- and post-conference events organized by the conference committees of both iPRES and DCMI.
Important Dates:
- 08 July 2013: Deadline for early registration
- 02 September 2013: Tutorials sessions and Doctoral Symposium
- 03 September 2013: Conference starting…
- 05 September 2013: Conference closing (noon time)
- 05 September 2013: Workshops starting (afternoon)
€350 early regular, €250 early student (to 8 July)
€375 regular & student (after 8 July)
--Separate rates apply for pre-/post-conference sessions on Monday and Friday
--Day rates are available
T1.1 - Introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD)
T1.2 - Metadata Provenance
T1.3 - IGM: Maturidade da Governação da Informação (Tutorial in Portuguese)
T1.4 - Build it, Share it, Keep it safe
T1.5 - Personal Digital Archiving
T1.6 - Islandora Institutional Repository Tutorial
T2.1 - Introduction to Ontology Concepts and Terminology
T2.2 - PROV - the W3C Provenance Ontology
T2.3 - IGM: Information Governance Maturity (Tutorial in English)
T2.4 - Legal challenges in the preservation lifecycle – How to address and how to solve them!
T2.5 - From Preserving Data to Preserving Research – Curation of Process and Context
T2.6 - Tools for uncovering preservation risks in your large repositories
T3.1 - Datasets, Open Data and Digital Preservation
T3.2 - Getting Started in Web Archiving and Web Archives Preservation
W1 - Digital Preservation Capabilities - How to assess and improve capabilities in digital preservation?
W2 - PREMIS Implementation Fair Workshop
W3 - Archiving Community Memories
W4 - Cost of Curation
W5 - Preservation at Scale
W6 - Interoperability of Persistent Identifiers Systems – services across PI domains
W7 – Open Research Challenges in Digital Preservation
W9 -Vocabulary Day
iPREShack: SPRUCE, CURATEcamp and OPF Hackathon (from September 2nd to 5th)