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TIMBUS Survey on Long-Term Aspects of Business Continuity
- Details
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 08:32
TIMBUS Survey 2011
- Does your organisation need to retain critical business processes, information, documents or data over the long term?
- Has your organisation struggled to retrieve and access 5, 10, 15 year old digital assets?
- Does your I.T. infrastructure struggle to meet the requirements of your organisations record retention policy?
- As part of your organisation’s business continuity plans, has your I.T. organisation struggled to reinstate the complete business systems and processes to a fully consistent state following a simulated or real disaster?
Most organisations face challenges ensuring the long-term accessibility of their digital processes and assets in the face of changing technologies, growth in digital material and increasing regulatory / compliance requirements while reducing I.T. budgets. These challenges are being addressed by a European FP7 Research Project called TIMBUS and we would welcome your contribution to participate in and influence the direction of the research.
New Case Studies are always desired. Please keep contributing your responses!
The EU-cofunded TIMBUS project focuses on resilient business processes. It will make the execution context, within which data is processed, analysed, transformed and rendered, accessible over long periods, even if there are dependencies on third-party services, information and capabilities. Click here to learn more about TIMBUS /
Consider any of the following scenarios where an investigation team needs to recreate the interdependent systems associated with either a design or manufacturing environment –
- An aircraft crash, apparent negative effects of a pharmaceutical drug, failure in the public infrastructure of dams, bridges or highways, or in industrial energy, chemical or hospital infrastructure make it necessary to identify potential causes of failure in their production, testing, maintenance and monitoring process.
- Following claims of patent infringement litigation an organisation needs to prove, based on provenance information of its processes and digital output, that it developed intellectual property.
- An organisation wishes to revalidate scientific conclusions maybe using alternative / improved tools and techniques.
- Following a natural disaster or terrorist attack an organisation needs to restore its complete business operations as part of it BCP capabilities.
In all these scenarios, being able to rewind the clock, restore the system(s) and information and replay portions or complete versions of a business process is critical. The TIMBUS research agenda is aimed at addressing these preservation, retrieval and re-execution challenges.
To assess needs in this area, we have developed a questionnaire which is structured to capture basic information about organization's activities and their need to preserve digital assets and business processes over the long term. We would like to understand organisations’ high level requirements, their current digital preservation capabilities and to see if there are opportunities where a TIMBUS like solution would deliver value to your organisation.
Please note that your responses will be kept confidential (unless you give us permission to cite) and will be used for research purposes only. Should you have any questions at any point, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please proceed to the survey tool itself.
With kind regards,
The TIMBUS Project Team.
New Case Studies are always desired. Please keep contributing your responses!