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TIMBUS Exhibits at BCI World Conference & Exhibition, 5-6 November 2014
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- Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 15:03
Last week TIMBUS exhibited at the Business Continuity Institute's annual World Conference and Exhibition. Over 300 delegates attended the Exhibition where TIMBUS shared the project's approach and promoted the tools and resources that will become available as the project nears its completion in December.
By emphasizing the benefits TIMBUS offers to business continuity managers—and more generally to businesses keen to improve their business processes analysis and preservation—TIMBUS was able to reach new audiences beyond the digital preservation community. Visitors to Stand 32 seemed keen to hear more about the TIMBUS approach and the open source alternatives to other software packages available at the Exhibition. In particular, Context Extraction and Risk Assessment elements of the TIMBUS suite caught the attention of the business continuity community.
Presented by TIMBUS Partners SAP and DPC, the BCI Exhibition brought TIMBUS and digital preservation to the attention of the business community.