Taverna Extractor

TavernaExtractor Screenshot

A Java command line tool, which converts a Taverna workflow to an Archimate model instance. It creates a process model including the three Archimate layers Business, Application and Technology.



SBA Research

Apache License Version 2.0

Find at opensourceprojects.eu

Go to the Taverna Extractor's page on opensourceprojects.eu for more details about requirements, interaction and source code by following the link above.

For more information about the Taverna Extractor, have a look at it's Leaflet


How to Install the Taverna Extractor

  • Clone release-1.1 from https://opensourceprojects.eu/p/timbus/context-population/extractors/taverna-extractor.
  • Change in the checked-out directory.
  • Adapt the TavernaExtractor.properties file.
  • Use maven (mvn package -DskipTests=true -Pstandalone) to package the CLI version. The executable jar file named ‘tavernaextractor-1.1.jar’ is available in the target directory. The bundle can also be build using mvn package -DskipTests=true -POSGi

Create a New Extractor
To learn how to develop an extractor, follow this link to a tutorial by Caixa Magica Software: https://opensourceprojects.eu/p/timbus/context-population/extractors/wiki/How%20to%20create%20a%20new% 20Extractor/


How to Use the Taverna Extractor
Both the standalone CLI version and the OSGi bundle convert a Taverna 2.4 workflow to an Archimate model (regarding specification 2.1). For the CLI version run the jar file. Provide at least two parameters: (i = inputfile, o = outputfile). java -jar TavernaExtractor.jar -i \path\to\TavernvaWorkflowInputFile.t2flow -o \path\to\ArchimateOutputFile.archimate The OSGi bundle can be accessed at http://testbed.timbusproject.net:3001/

  • fqdn - IP of the remote address (e.g.
  • port - Port of the remote machine (e.g. 10026)
  • user/password - User Credentials
  • inputFileName - Path to the Taverna workflow input file on the remote machine (e.g. /home/timbus/Documents/imagemagick_wf.t2flow)
  • archimateOutputPath - Path to the generated output file on the remote machine (e.g. /home/timbus/Documents/imagemagick.contextmodel.archimate)
  • tavernaHome - Path to taverna home on the remote machine (e.g. /home/timbus/.taverna-2.4.0

Learn more about the extractors from the video about the Linux Hardware Extractor.



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