Thinking outside the b(l)ox: Re-using TIMBUS building blocks in unexpected areas


Sven Euteneuer (SQS)

Most of our readers know the focus of the TIMBUS project and its very ambitious goal to develop solutions for preserving business processes over long periods of time. Then again, readers who are aware of SQS AG know that our company specializes in the field of software quality assurance and testing - indeed we are the world leaders in independent software quality services. So, how does SQS fit into this project?


sven cr


Are These Processes the Same?


Tomasz Miksa (SBA)

During the iPres14 conference we presented VPlan – An Ontology for Storing Verification Data and won the Best Paper Award. If you would like to understand where the problem in verification and validation of process lies and how we address it, you should continue reading. I will also provide some insights into behind the scenes discussions during iPres14.


Tomasz Miksa


Assessing the Preservability of Systems


Gonçalo Antunes (INESC-ID)

One of the main results out of the preservability assessment task performed in TIMBUS is a method for the assessment of preservability of systems.




Who Will Write the History?


Michael Nolan, Intel

Who will write the history of an event from which the electronic media, digital records, meeting minutes, government records, social media commentary and a plethora of other content – content historians could use to attempt to understand the era – will be lost?




Time-Series Annotation and Context Extraction Tool


Anja Bachman (KIT)

"We are happy to announce the open source release of the Time-series Annotation and Context Extraction Tool (TACET)"


anja bachman
