Digital Preservation: New Challenges for Software Maintenance

Sven Euteneuer, Daniel Draws, SQS;
14. Workshop Software-Reengineering; WSR 2012;

icon Digital Preservation: New Challenges for Software Maintenance (3.41 MB)

IT Industrialisation as Enabler of Global Delivery

Simon, Daniel; Simon, Frank, SAP;
16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), 2012;

icon IT Industrialisation as Enabler of Global Delivery (3.16 MB)

Digital Preservation Challenges on Software Life Cycle

José Barateiro, Daniel Draws, Martin Alexander Neumann, Stephan Strodl;
16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), 2012;

icon Digital Preservation Challenges on Software Life Cycle  (2.43 MB)

Digital Curation as a Key Component in Research Infrastructures: From Data Preservation to Processes Preservation and Verification

Andreas Rauber, SBA;
Keynote Speech: Russian Conference on Digital Libraries (RCDL12);

icon Digital Curation as a Key Component in Research Infrastructures (6.39 MB)

Evaluating emulation and migration: Birds of a feather

Mark Guttenbrunner and Andreas Rauber, SBA;

icon Evaluating emulation and migration: Birds of a feather (1.82 MB)